The Legal Market requires high speed multi-function printing solutions to be able to operate their business. No matter what type of law your firm practices, when it comes time to print, copy, scan or fax a document those documents need to be sent as quickly as possible.
Canon has a wide range of multi-function copier equipment. The Canon imageRUNNER line ranges from 25 up to 105 pages per minute. Both color and black & white printing solutions are available to accommodate your needs.
Multi-function printers (MFPs) are frequently overlooked sources of security breaches. Client case files left on output trays, faxes sent to the wrong number, incoming faxes left for anyone to read or remove, and e-mails sent to the wrong address present risks to client confidentiality.
As law firms migrate to mobile devices, the exchange of documents entails several steps that can be eliminated with the proper technology. Not all law firms allow the use of mobile devices on-site. These mobile users require different solutions to work securely and productively.
Legal firms need to have case files in easy-to-edit digital formats. Your firm can use the Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE system’s native scanning and OCR function or Nuance eCopy ShareScan to convert those client case files into editable Microsoft® Word or PowerPoint® digital formats. Law firms can also use eCopy ShareScan to redact sensitive data during the scanning process.
Cases require materials from many different sources—hard-copy originals, electronic documents, and even social media and other Web sites. With Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Desktop, you can easily organize and combine scanned hard copies and research from the Web, add Bates Number, and separate case documents with a tab.
The imageRUNNER ADVANCE Quick Printing Tool (QPT) quickly converts files to PDFs, and you can view and print documents and fax directly from the QPT desktop icon. Law firms can use eCopy PDF Pro Office to redact sensitive client information and convert case files to PDF/A for submission to courts.
Legal firms are constantly looking to streamline document distribution. With Canon’s Workflow Composer and Nuance/eCopy ShareScan, you can consolidate multi-step manual processes into a custom, one-touch workflow on Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems. A customized, one-touch button can scan, copy, print, fax, and e-mail case documents to a preset distribution list of attorneys, paralegals, clients, and opposing counsel as well as archiving to your document management system.
Securing case files is an ongoing concern for legal professionals. Many of today’s multi-function devices have storage and communication capabilities that can rival those of desktop computers. Canon offers a range of solutions to help secure devices and safeguard sensitive client information.
Canon’s Access Management System allows law firms to configure user roles, depending on predetermined user rights. An attorney may have access to specific device functions, such as copy or fax, and paralegals may have access only to stored forms on the device.
Clients and law firms today want to know what they’re paying for, so they can control costs. This means law firms need better ways to track expenses while also controlling costs to increase profitability. Canon solutions can help influence staff behavior and effectively manage device-related expenses.
If your law firm is already tracking expenses using Equitrac, Copitrak, nQueue Billback, cost recovery connector, or uniFLOW software, you can seamlessly link your Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE device to these cost-accounting applications using Canon’s embedded MEAP platform. Print and copy expenses can be captured and reported back to your billing system with client, matter, and sub-matter detail.
For more information please contact 305-200-8740 or email us at [email protected].