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Canon imageRUNNER multi-function copiers vs. Desktop off the shelf copiers

imagerunner 4035 copier                                    laserclass_830

TOP 5 reasons why should you lease a Canon imageRUNNER multi-function copier vs. a desktop off the shelf copier:

  1. Cost: if the copy/print volume of your office exceeds 1,500 impressions (3 reams of paper or more) per month, chances are between the cost of supplies (toner, drums, etc..) and repairs (parts & labor) is greater than the cost of the lease of a multi-function stand alone copier including the fixed cost per copy service charge.
  2. Service/Support: with our all inclusive service and supplies agreements (includes all repairs, parts and supplies), companies do not have to worry about managing the copier equipment.
  3. Speed: a multi-function stand alone copier compared to a desktop off the shelf copier is usually 2-3 times faster in every aspect (copying, printing, scanning or faxing).
  4. Productivity: because of the speed factor difference, your office will be a lot more productive, by processing your documents at a faster pace.
  5. Features: unlike the off the shelf desktop copier, on the multi-function stand alone copier you will be able to print or copy double sided documents, staple, collate, off set stack, hole punch, create watermarks, and use over 20 additional features. The same applies for scanning documents. There are a wide variety of features when it comes to scan a document on a multi-function stand alone copier such as scan to email, scan to folder, scan to a workstation, scan to multiple parties at once, name the document scanned, PDF compression, PDF encryption, use different formats such as as PDF, JPG, TIF & XPS, plus a wide variety of additional functions.

For more information please contact Copy Print Scan Solutions at 305-200-8740, or via email at [email protected].

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